Last night I edited together a bunch of snapchats I have taken into a tiktok that I decided to call my "Quarantine Diaries" -- no part of my quarantine has been particularly interesting, but placing these snaps into a single video has done a few things for me: 1. Shown my ups and downs emotionally during this time 2. really underlined the fact that this could go on for another few months... I can't help thinking back to the beginning when I thought that I would do my own 14 days and then be free. I shared this tiktok to my instagram stories to show what quarantine has really looked like for me in the hopes that someone could relate to my emotions and feeling shared in it. In my response to the lecture video, I said that the online persona you craft for yourself is almost always superficial... I think that I might contradict my own theory; OOPS. In my case I do my best to represent the good and bad sides of myself to the int...